ardross community hall

Regular  Activities


There is a nursery which meets every weekday morning in their own dedicated room during normal term time. Every Friday when nursery is running a toddler group meets. Both groups are able to take advantage of the Hall’s facilities including the outside playing fields and play area. The Hall is next to the Ardross Primary School, which makes matriculation a smooth and easy process.


Nursery and Toddler Group

If you have any Activities or the details are incorrect and need updating please contact the webmaster


Every Wednesday evening during term time Juliette Lowe runs an all ability Yoga class between 7.30 pm and 9.00 pm. All are welcome for a friendly relaxing evening. For more details go to her website.

Currently Ceilidh Dance Classes are taking place every second Tuesday between 7.30 pm and 9.30 pm.

Dance Classes

Lunch Club

On the first Wednesday of every month and starts 12 noon. If you can help in any way with providing soup or baking, contact Joan Scott on 01349 882797.

All are welcome, and anyone requiring transport contact Margaret Black on 01349 882495

A nominal £2.50 charge per person is made for the soup and pudding.


Meetings of the Ardross WRI are held on the third Thursday of every month. They start at 7.00 pm. Contact Joan Scott on 01349 882797.

Ardross Community Council

The Ardross Community Council meets every second Monday of the month at 8.00 pm, unless otherwise advertised. Contact Peter Allen for more information on 01349 884275

To find out when your activity is on go to the availability page.


The Ardross Community Hall is host to regular entertainment events throughout the year.

The Entertainments Committee organise a variety of dance, drama, comedy and music throughout the year. Acts include Sarah McQuaid, Rhythmn ‘n’ Reel, Blazing Fiddles, Scottish Opera and the Scottish Makar Liz Lochead. For details of the next event either check out the Facebook page, or go to the Events Blog.

Other user groups such as the Nursery also hold events, seen here the fabulous sell out Rhythmn ‘n’ Reel.

There is now a regular piping class held every week. Contact Rory for more information.

Piping Classes